
Everyone has questions, and I hope to answer a majority of them. If you have more questions, feel free to contact me at behind.the.secret.bookshelf@gmail.com  or via Goodreads and I will answer you as best I can and as quickly as I can!

Who are you?

My name is Mariama and I am currently a college student. In between studying, researching papers, and doing mountains of homework, I can be found sleeping, reading, and uploading reviews onto this blog. I hope to help everyone find their next favorite book!

Why did you start blogging about books?

I started this blog this as part of my International Baccalaureate Programme requirement for CAS. However, I have since graduated high school and have continued posting on this blog as a hobby because I love reading and reviewing books!

Do you have any book recommendations?

What types of books do you review?

I review new releases and already published books. I mainly review anything that I feel deserves to be shared with the world, transcending the boundaries of time. So I may review books that have been published since the 1800s (or earlier!) or books that are new releases. Please contact me if you would like to recommend a book for me!

How do I send you books to review?

Please refer to my Contact Page and Review Policy for further details to make sure that your book and my blog are compatible with each other. 

I am an author who wants to be featured on your blog/interview you. May I?

Please contact me via my email address, and we'll work something out.

May I quote you and/or interview you and publish it?

Again, please contact me before quoting me so I know exactly where I am going to be featured so I can spotlight it on this blog. Please also give full credit to me and this blog if you plan on quoting me. Please only quote a short snippet of my review, not the entire thing (otherwise no one would come to my website!) and if applicable (if you are featuring me on a website) please post a link that reads: "Read More at behindthesecretbookshelf.blogspot.com." If you want to interview me, again, email me and we'll get things going! 

What are your social media platforms?

My book platforms are Goodreads, Net Galley, and Bloglovin' . I am also on Pinterest and Tumblr if you want to follow me on any other social media platforms that aren't specifically all about books!